The newly elected officers for the DeGoesbriand
Knights of Columbus Council #279 are:
Grand Knight: Michael Hennessey
Deputy grand Knight: Matthew Sulva
Chancellor: Currently Open
Financial Secretary: Stephen Sweeney
Treasurer: William LaCroix
Advocate: Dave Ely, Sr.
Warden: Jeff Farrier
Recorder: William Niles
Inside Guard: Ojiako Ekwelie
Outside Guard: Claude Trahan
Trustee (1 year) : James Letourneau
Trustee (2 year) : Mike Couture
Trustee (3 year) : Dan St. Hilaire
The Cathedral's K of C Council #279 is sending $5,000 in cash contributions, as well as more than 1,500 disposable diapers, 6,000 wipes, and several dozen items of clothing and supplies from its ASAP (Aid and Support After Pregnancy) program to Birthright of Burlington. Burlington, South Burlington, and Shelburne parishes contributed the money and supplies. The Knights placed barrels with lists of needed items in the churches last spring through Father's Day.
Temporary air cooling units are pumping into the upper church all weekend for comfortable conditions for Monday's ordination and installation of Bishop John McDermott. Two sets of large hoses attached to vehicles carrying the units outside the Cathedral are blowing cool air into the church through two windows. While the fans are noisy, the sound system insures voices are clearly heard, both from the choir loft and from the sanctuary.
Bishop-elect McDermott has asked all priests to pray this prayer with him and invites parishioners to do the same. O God, eternal shepherd, who govern your flock with unfailing care, send the Holy Spirit upon John, our bishop, so that he will please you by his holiness, and show us watchful care. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen. Our Father Hail Mary Glory Be St. John the Baptist, pray for him. St. Joseph, pray for him. In addition, Bishop McDermott is observing Monday July 8 as a day of fasting and increased prayer for the healing of our people, especially those who have been hurt by the Church and its clergy.
A Solemn Vespers Service will be held Sunday, July 14 at 6:00 PM. on the eve of the Ordination and Installation of The Most Reverend John Joseph McDermott as the 11th Bishop of Burlington. No ticket is required; all are welcome. The Diocesan Priest Schola will sing. A public reception follows in the parish hall.
His Eminence Sean Patrick Cardinal O'Malley OFM Cap., Archbishop of Boston, will ordain Bishop McDermott at a Mass at the Cathedral of St. Joseph at 1:00 PM, Monday, July 15. Papal Nuncio Christophe Cardinal Pierre also will attend the ordination and installation of Burlington's 11th bishop. Please visit the diocesan webpage for important information about attending the ordination: Required tickets are issued to each parish. Please call your parish to ask to be added to a ticket list. The Mass will be livestreamed. A reception follows at the Dion Center at St. Michael's College. Please RSVP for the reception through the Diocesan web address above.
Praise to you, Lord our God, Our Eternal Shepherd and Guide, Who has chosen your servant, John J. McDermott, as the 11th Bishop of the Diocese of Burlington. As he prepares to take up his role as our pastor and teacher, May your Holy Spirit fill his heart With wisdom and strength, Gentleness and compassion, So that he may always walk in your ways And be a true-shepherd after Your own Heart. As Bishop-Elect McDermott prepares To assume this role for our Diocese, Help us to welcome him with joy, And be attentive to his guidance, So that he may lead us in being Christ’s heart of mercy, voice of hope, And hands of justice, So that we together may build up your Holy Church. We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen
In the name of the Staff and Parishioners of the Cathedral of Saint Joseph, we congratulate Bishop-Elect John J. McDermott, J.C.L. and assure him of our prayers. - Monsignor Peter A. Routhier, Rector and the Staff and Parishioners of the Cathedral of Saint Joseph.
The Friday, July 12 12:05 PM Mass is cancelled, as well as the Saturday, July 13 8:00 AM Mass, 8:30 AM and 2:30 PM Confessions. The Saturday 4:00 PM and Sunday, July 14 10:00 AM Masses will take place as scheduled. Monday, July 15, the day of the Ordination Mass and reception, 11:30 AM Confessions and the 12:05 PM Mass are cancelled.