Adoration will begin after the 8:30 AM Mass at Christ the King Church Friday, November 3, continue through the day, evening, and overnight, ending with Benediction and First Saturday Mass November 4. Please call the parish office at 802-862-5784 or type in this web link to sign up on a schedule: Please type the address as it appears because it is case sensitive - use capital letters where they are shown. Signup is not necessary - if you wish to adore the Lord, please come anytime through Mass at 9:00 AM Saturday.
Masses are on Wednesday, November 1, All Saints Day, at 12:05 PM and 5:30 PM. Both Masses are upstairs in the main church. There are special envelopes in your envelope packet for All Saints Day. There are no Masses on the vigil, October 31, Halloween.
Signup for Religious Education for Grades One through Six, and for Confirmation Class for older students will continue at a special signup next Sunday, October 22 in the Parish Hall after the 10:00 AM Mass. Parents may register their students at that meeting or call the parish office at (802) 658-4333. The religious education schedule for the elementary grades will be posted this fall. Confirmation classes will begin in January, 2024.
The parish office will be closed on Monday and Tuesday, October 9 and 10 as parish staff attend Archbishop Coyne's Welcome Mass in Hartford, CT. The office reopens Wednesday, Oct. 11. There will be a 12:05 Mass on October 9 and 10.
Cathedral of St. Joseph Rector Msgr. Peter Routhier was honored by the Burlington Knights of Columbus Council #279 as this year's Anchor Award recipient, recognizing his outstanding service to the Knights and to the community. The Anchor is the Vermont Knights' highest award. The award celebration took place Saturday, October 7 at the Delta Hotel on Williston Road, South Burlington.