Vermont Right to Life invites everyone to its last January Rally for Life and related events on Saturday, January 28. VRLC will no longer hold these same events to mark the anniversary of the approval of abortion in the United States by the Supreme Court, January 22, 1973, but may schedule events to celebrate the June, 2022 U.S. Supreme Court overturning of this decision. This year's events begin with a Rosary for Life at St. Augustine Church in Montpelier at 9:00 AM, followed by a Mass for Life at St. Augustine's at 9:30 AM. The Rally begins at 10:45 AM from the City Hall Parking Lot behind St. Augustine. From this point, the marchers proceed to the State House steps for a brief ceremony remembering the 63 million people aborted since the 1973 decision. Participants then are invited to a Deli Sandwich Buffet at the Capitol Plaza Hotel, where there will be featured speakers. The cost for the buffet is $20 (scholarships are available for students). Reservations are required for the luncheon. Please call VRLC at 802-229-4885 or email [email protected] for reservations. The Rally for Life is sponsored by the Vermont Right to Life Educational Trust Fund. A novena for the protection of human life begins Thursday, January 19 . Each day’s intention is accompanied by a short reflection and suggested actions to help build a culture of life. This link includes a signup to receive daily prayers by email or text, and leader resources (pdf of full novena, graphics and flyers for advertising, and bulletin and pulpit announcements):