Today we mark Christ’s humble but triumphant entry into Jerusalem, riding a lowly donkey, as followers spread palm branches and garments to pave His way. We may walk in procession at the start of Mass, holding blessed palms and singing a hymn, our priest vested in red. Later in the Mass, we hear the Passion Gospel of Mark, beginning with the chief priests and scribes plotting Jesus’s end. Then the scene switches to Jesus in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper, and the woman who anoints Him with costly oil, only to be reprimanded by Judas. In the next scene, Judas offers to sell Jesus to the chief priests. Then we hear the disciples receive their instructions from Jesus to prepare the Passover. Quickly we are with Our Lord who reveals the presence of his betrayer, then we are at table, watching Jesus institute the Eucharist. The rest of the familiar drama unfolds: the Garden of Gethsemane, Judas’s treachery, Peter’s denial, and Our Lord’s Passion and death. We leave Him in the silent, dark tomb, with its seal and guard of soldiers. Now we will enter Holy Week, days of hush, waiting, preparing, hoping, as the great Easter feast approaches.