Monday Through Wednesday of Holy Week - Before the Sacred Triduum
In the Monday Gospel at Mass, Mary of Bethany pours costly oil over Our Lord, and weeping with remorse for her sins, wipes His feet with her hair. Jesus speaks of her great love which merits great mercy. Tuesday, at the regular daily Mass, the prophet Isaiah trumpets himself as the strong, fine-edged servant of God, a weapon in the hands of his Lord. In the Gospel, Jesus reclines at table at the Last Supper, “deeply troubled,” offering Judas a chance to turn away from evil, hearing Peter avow his undying loyalty. Our diocese celebrates the annual Chrism Mass today with different readings and Gospel, at 11:00 a.m. at the Cathedral of St. Joseph, in the upstairs church. There is no 12:05 p.m. daily Mass. Our parish priests will renew their ordination vows and receive holy oils for their parishes. Spy Wednesday is the last weekday before the Easter Triduum. We hear in the Gospel Judas Iscariot bargaining for Christ’s arrest.