1. Opening rites. "Fr. Lance W. Harlow, Rector of the Cathedral of St. Joseph celebrates the last public Mass at the Cathedral before enforced "social distancing" begins. There were over 70 people from the Chittenden County area who attended. The Mass was in celebration of the Solemnity of St. Joseph, Spouse of Mary. The intention for the Mass was for vocations to the priesthood and to the consecrated life."
2. Concelebration: "Fr. Harlow is joined at the altar by Rev. Fr. James Dodson, Director of Vocations and pastor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Swanton and St. Louis Church in Highgate. Also, concelebrating is the Reverend Fr. Chris Micale, Pastor of St. Thomas Parish Underhill Center and St. Mary of the Assumption in Cambridge."
3. Preaching: "Fr Harlow preached about the love between Joseph and Mary as a young married couple. It was during the first weeks of their marriage that they fled as exiles to Egypt awaiting a safe return to Israel. In a similar way, this period of enforced "social distancing" is also our period of exile until we return to safe social interactions."
4. Recessional: "The Bishop deGoesbriand Council of the Knights of Columbus 4th Degree formed the honor guard for the Mass."
5. Communion: "Faithful Catholics from the Burlington area received Holy Communion for the last time at a public Mass at the Cathedral until further notice."
6. Prayers to Our Lady: "As part of the evening's devotions, a Rosary was offered to Our Lady of Fatima seeking her intercession for the quick resolution to the pandemic, to pray for the doctors, nurses and technologists caring for the sick, and to pray for the repose of the souls of all the people who have died." The statue of Our Lady of Fatima spent two weeks at the Cathedral before moving on to another parish. The Rosary was led by members of the World Wide Apostolate of Fatima (the Blue Army).