Bishop Coyne will celebrate the joyful Easter Mass at 10:00 AM in the upstairs church. On this Easter morning, we hear only words of joy at Christ’s resurrection. From the shame and grief of denying his Savior three times, our first reading finds St. Peter proclaiming the rising of Our Lord. “This man God raised on the third day.” In response to Psalm 118, we sing, “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad!” The Psalm declares, “The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.” Our Gospel from St. John describes the miraculous scene early Sunday morning: “the cloth that had covered His head rolled up, … in a separate place.” Now we look forward to weeks of celebration during the fifty-day Easter season, which ends at Pentecost. The church is banked with flowers, and resounds with Easter hymns. Our priest wears white vestments. We hear the Gloria and the Alleluia. Rejoice, for the Lord has risen indeed!